The QuBe Ring Group module is used as a destination within the call flow to allow multiple extensions to ring and have the ability to pick up the incoming call. The ring group features include the ability to list internal extensions as well as external numbers in the follow me list. All numbers in the follow me list will ring depending how you select the ring strategy. The ring group is assigned an internal extension number for the ability to dial if a caller wants to reach one of the users in the follow me list.
Click the Create Ring Group button
Check the enabled box
Ring Group Extension
Assign a unique extension number to dial this ring group
Ring Group List
Enter a list of extensions and/or phone numbers to ring when caller goes to ring group
Ring Strategy
Ring All – Call all parties in the list simultaneously
Hunt – Call the first party in the list; then the first and second; then the first, second, and third, etc.
Ring Time
Set the amount of time in seconds to ring the ring group list numbers
Select an announcement to play to the caller before beginning to ring the ring group list
Play Music on Hold
Check this box if you want to enable music on hold
Music on Hold Classe
Select the file to play if music on hold is enabled
CID Prefix
Add a CID prefix to prepend to the original caller ID
CID Forward Mode
This decides how to handle caller ID with ring group calls
Fixed CID
This allows setting a fixed CID value
No Answer
Select the type of destination to route the call if no answer
Select the specific destination to route the call if no answer