The QuBe Extensions module is used to create extensions and customize individual extensions with voicemail options, follow me configuration, recording options, and more. Each extension created can be used to assign to a physical phone or a virtual phone, a soft phone. The extensions can be used as an endpoint in a call flow or it can be added to multiple modules.
Click the Create Extension button
Display Name
Enter a display name that will be associated with the extension. This will NOT be the Caller ID Name
Extension Number
Enter a unique extension number – we recommend 3 or 4 digit numbers
Extension Password
Extension password is the secret password to connect the extension in the PBX to the device (e.g. phone) that will be configured as the extension and is automatically filled out with a complex password
Set NAT based on PBX server configuration:
This phone will exist in local networks only
Pretend there is an rport parameter even if there isn’t (force_rport): Force rport to always be on
Send media to the port Asterisk receives it (comedia): Use rport if the remote side says to use it and perform comedia RTP handling
Set the force_rport option if Asterisk detects NAT (auto_force_rport): Force rport if Asterisk detects that an incoming SIP request crossed a NAT after being sent by the remote endpoint
Set the comedia option if Asterisk detects NAT (auto_comedia): Use comedia if Asterisk detects that an incoming SIP request crossed a NAT after being sent by the remote endpoint
Both force_rport and comedia options: refer to definitions
Both auto_force_rport and auto_comedia (recommended in common cases)
Outbound CID
Set outbound CID on extension. If you leave this blank, the PBX will assign an outbound CID based on route or trunk
Assign a user from the drop-down menu
Click Submit to save the initial setup of the extension
Extensions listed on front page:
Display Name
Display name assigned to the extension when created. This can be edited.
Extension number assigned to the extension when created. This is used internally
Current registration status of extension
The user account the extension is assigned to
The outbound CID assigned to the extension
No Answer
The extension’s destination if nobody answers
The extension’s destination if busy
The extension’s destination if set unavailable (DND, etc.)
This will open the page to edit the extension settings
This will delete the extension entirely – if there is no backup saved any deleted extension will be permanently lost
We suggest disabling the device associated with a deleted extension to avoid the phone attempting to register into the PBX with incorrect credentials and locking out your network IP