The QuBe Follow me module allows calls to be forwarded to another internal number or external number. You can set the follow me module to have calls received to the extension to skip ringing the extension and go straight to call the number(s) in the follow me list, or you can set the call to ring the extension and the number(s) in the follow me list.
Click the Edit button
SIP Device
Select the extension user to add Follow Me module settings
Check this box to enable the follow me settings – leave empty if you wish to disable follow me settings
Initial Ring Time
This is the time to ring the primary extension before ringing the numbers in the follow me list
Follow Me List
List the extension or phone number you wish to ring when the primary extension is dialed. Important: phone number entries must be entered as 1XXXXXXXXXX# (with X representing a digit)
Ring Time
Enter the number of seconds to ring the numbers in the follow me list
Ring Strategy
Ringall: This will call all parties in the follow me list simultaneously
Ringall2: This will be the same ring strategy as ringall, however it will include the primary extension
Hunt: This will call the first number in the list for the duration of ring time, and then ring the first number and the second number in the list for the duration of the ring time, and then the first number, second number, third number for the duration of the ring time, etc.
Hunt2: Same as the hunt strategy, but with the primary extension included in the list
Play Music on Hold
If box is checked it will enable Music on Hold to play to the caller while the PBX dials the follow me list based on the ring strategy selected. Leave empty to disable music on hold in favor of ringing by default
CID Prefix
This will prepend the call that goes through this follow me list with the prefix entered
CID Forward Mode
Select the method to send caller’s original CID when handled in the follow me module
Fixed CID
If Fixed CID is selected in the CID Forward Mode then enter the fixed CID here
No Answer
Select the type of destination to send the call if there is no answer
Select the specific destination to send the call if there is no answer